2025-03-07T02:25:39+00:00 URL:
The visual work developed by Sozyone this last decade, reveals a tendency towards staging and clear lines. Exploring the dark world of futuristic Anarchy through a magnifying glass, he studies linear deformation, the "anti-bon-goût" and systematic opposition to distance himself from the communication and to deepen his unique sens of aesthetics, where colors become simple values of tones fighting each other in an unequal combat between the fluid outlines and their position in space. It is from this battle that the final composition will explode, to uncover the charismatic symbols of the diamond thief; his gloves, his hat, the bird, the mask and the light in his eyes prior to the crime.
Sozyone's paintings are brutal and refined at one and the same time, suggesting the violence of the cities, its mechanism and the feline elegance of its cat-burglars. Born in Brussels, Sozyone has lived through decade saturated in culture: the break-dancing of the 80s, the graffiti of the 90s, the gallery crawl of the 00s. Somewhere in between forging Belgian franks in 1982 and recording albums, Sozyone has amassed a great oeuvre. Sozyone is the real deal." Evan Pricco – Juxtapoz