2025-02-08T23:02:22+00:00 URL:
Andrea Ravo Mattoni
" The True Nobles "
True Nobles is a diary made up of pictures, a musical score where the notes are people with whom I had a dialogue or conversation with, whom I shared moments with and had harmony with, and turned on threads , and all these notes have formed and form a symphony , the soundtrack of my becoming, the spine and the skeleton of my training, as an artist and as a person . A tribute to that which is the real value of dialogue and confrontation, the ennoblement of true human relationships.
Guerrilla Spam
This group of works has two main sources of inspiration, one concerns the content and the other the technique used. The content inspiration starts off with the poem "Alla mia nazione" by Pier Paolo Pasolini, a critical and brutal text describing Italy in the sixties, modernized in to today's current topics. The images in the art work become a description with allegories reflecting our country.
The technique and style, however, departs from Flemish oil paintings, with the use of oil paint on canvas and on wood. The works contain demonic landscapes and surreal imagery of Flemish artists such as Bosch or Brueghel. The paintings and the triptych are all painted with only 2 types of black and white, hot and cold, that reproduce the classic shades of "grisaille" painted on the outside wings of the sixteenth-century triptychs. All works exhibited in this gallery show make up one single great work, which will be display in the form of a poster in the street.